For environmental/creation-care Lent resources, click here.
Aid to the Church in Need
Pray with 40 videos: “Each day, a reading of wisdom selected from ancient and contemporary spiritual masters will invite you to walk with Jesus through the desert. You then take time for silent prayer; one minute on Day One (Ash Wednesday), and adding a minute each day, up to forty minutes’ private prayer on Holy Saturday. Joined with the whole family of God, learning to grow in faith and interceding for our suffering brothers and sisters, make this Lent matter.”
All We Can: Lent 2024 – What is mine to do?
“When Jesus was in the desert, it was a time of discernment and preparation before beginning his ministry in earnest. Sometimes, however, it can feel like Lent is a time of doing – of feeling the pressure to act and be productive, rather than a time of preparation and reflection. This year, All We Can are leaning into Lent’s roots as a time of discernment and inviting people to ask the question ‘what is mine to do?’ Sometimes when it comes to tackling injustice, our efforts can feel insufficient – like there is always something more we should be doing. Sometimes, we all need to hear the words ‘you can’t do everything!’ With All We Can’s Lent resource, you will have the chance to reflect on what is yours to do….”
CAFOD’s online Lent calendar and daily reflections
Sign up for the reflections in your inbox, or read them online. Each day has a reflection, prayer and suggested action.
Christian Aid’s Act on Poverty Lent Course
A new resource (not just for Lent!) for churches. Six sessions looking at a pathway to action – focus on prophetic voice, healing, generosity, and more. Free online packs for each week include reflections, audio interviews, and films.
Church Mission Society: How not to give up
Sign up for weekly email reflections offering hope through stories and reflections from mission partners around the world.
Embrace the Middle East
Sign up for weekly Lent reflections. “Our theme this year is Healing and Hope in the One Household of God. What does Jesus’ message of healing and hope mean for our lives today and how can we invite healing and hope to rule in our hearts, our homes and our world?” Embrace also has produced a ‘Healing and Hope’ study guide which is available for purchase.
Tearfund’s Weekly Email Devotionals
Sign up to receive weekly reflections, stories, and prayer points on the theme of restoration.
USPG Study Courses
There are a variety: Freedom in Christ, Who is our neighbour? Living Stones, and more. Normally a six-session booklet with material for Bible study, reflection, a story from USPG partners around the world, and suggestions for action.