Jesus taught his disciples to pray not just for themselves but for God’s Kingdom in the world.
Acknowledgement of our dependence on God – and of God’s love for us. Praise. A longing for God’s Kingdom to be present on earth, for God’s will to be done here, as it is in heaven. Asking provision for our needs and the needs of others. Prayer for forgiveness … and a commitment to forgive. Seeking to be kept from the time of trial and to be delivered from evil.
These are the themes of the prayer that Jesus gave his followers. And we long to make them our themes today.
Our world is in desperate need of prayer. That’s why we offer materials on the themes above … with a focus in our weekly prayer emails on areas where there are particular needs, often ones that don’t make the news.
When we pray together, we place our trust in God, recalling how deeply God loves us and our world … praying through Christ, who showed that love by entering into the world’s pain, healing, teaching, suffering … and rising to give new life and hope. It’s a joyful, trusting act that God can use to transform us, as well as to transform the world.
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