Pray and act
Pray and study
Click on the picture to find resources for prayer, home groups, and preaching.
Offer practical support
Click on the picture to find ideas for offering practical support.
Speak up for refugees
Click for suggestions on how you and your church can speak out for refugees.
What’s happening locally
Hear local stories
Local churches and community groups share what they’ve done and learned along the way.
Local groups and resources
Find out where local churches and groups are welcoming asylum seekers and refugees – and see resources they produce.
Read our latest newsletters
Our quarterly newsletter offers a roundup of news, events, and useful resources.
Find facts and figures
Find basic information about refugees and forced migration.
Find Events
Our Events Calendar offers listings relating to refugees, migration, and other topics
Browse our resource bank
Coming soon! A list of resources on a variety of topics related to refugees and forced migration.