Forced migration isn’t a new phenomenon. Simply looking at Scripture shows this: throughout the Old and New Testaments, there are many references to people’s being forced to flee their homes to find safety. Indeed, Jesus and his family were themselves refugees in Egypt.

The Bible also talks about care for those who leave their own homes to enter new communities. It’s part of our Christian calling to love our neighbour, the person we encounter along the way.

So how do we live out this calling in today’s world? How can we respond to people seeking refuge and the questions around forced migration? Use the resources on this page – or contact our Churches Refugee Networking Officer, Joanna Schüder – to find out more about people coming to the UK, what local groups are doing to support them, and how you can get involved in prayer and action.

Join our network

Around the Thames Valley we’re in touch with about 100 churches, community groups, agencies and other bodies that are working together to support refugees.

Together with partners, we’re holding events online and locally to network these groups – enabling them to share ideas, questions and resources.

Our network is a great way to stay in touch – receiving quarterly newsletters, getting advance notice of events, and having the option to join an email group to share ideas, questions and resources.

Join in! Click the button to let us know you want to join the network.

Pray and act

Pray and study

Click on the picture to find resources for prayer, home groups, and preaching.

Offer practical support

Click on the picture to find ideas for offering practical support.

Speak up for refugees

Click for suggestions on how you and your church can speak out for refugees.

What’s happening locally

Hear local stories

Local churches and community groups share what they’ve done and learned along the way.

Local groups and resources

Find out where local churches and groups are welcoming asylum seekers and refugees – and see resources they produce.

Read our latest newsletters

Our quarterly newsletter offers a roundup of news, events, and useful resources.


Find facts and figures

Find basic information about refugees and forced migration.

Find Events

Our Events Calendar offers listings relating to refugees, migration, and other topics

Browse our resource bank

Coming soon! A list of resources on a variety of topics related to refugees and forced migration.

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