Who We Are
Our Board and Staff

Catriona Cappleman
Catriona Cappleman is Treasurer and Secretary. She worked in Rwanda as a CMS mission partner and is active in her parish,

Colin Date
Colin Date is an active member of St. Michael’s Church, Warfield and on the board of Reading International Solidarity Centre. He spent most of his working life as a secondary-school science teacher, including three years teaching in Botswana.

Joanna Schüder
Joanna joined CCOW in April 2017. She has a background of working with refugees and others in difficult circumstances both in the United Kingdom and in Germany. She has wide experience in a variety of church contexts and is currently a deacon at Didcot Baptist Church, with particular responsibility for pastoral care.

Maranda St John Nicolle
Maranda is the Director of Christian Concern for One World. She is also seconded by CCOW to the Diocese of Oxford for two days a week, serving as World Development Adviser and Partners in World Mission Project Officer. She is on the board and executive of the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility, of which CCOW is a member, and the steering groups of the International Anglican Family Network and the Oxford Fair Trade Coalition.

Keith Whyte
Keith Whyte worked for the Met Office in satellite meteorology. He is a nationally accredited URC lay preacher and a member of St Paul’s, Bracknell, where he has helped the church to gain the Eco-Congregation award.