What does the Lord require of you
but to do justice, love kindness,
and walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
What do “doing justice,” “loving kindness,” & “walking humbly with God” mean for us, here and now?
For over two decades, CCOW has been working with Christians who are seeking to answer this question, especially as it relates to economic justice, international relations, and care for creation.
We offer resources for prayer and action on a wide range of issues, with a focus on trade justice, fair trade, climate change, and responses to refugees. We help to plan local and national events at which people can gather information, spend time in prayer, and join in conversation and planning with others who care about the same questions. And we’ve played a major role in campaigns from Jubilee 2000 to Pray and Fast for the Climate to local Fairtrade Town bids.
We don’t aim to suggest that there are always easy answers … or to offer a programme that we want everyone to follow. But if you want to make connections that facilitate sharing information and concerns, sharing in prayer, sharing in reflection and action, and sharing among different communities, please get in touch!
Our key resources include:
Emails covering key points for prayer and action
Downloadable or print resources (our own and a library of others’) that cover key issues and ways of engaging others. Take a look at our “What we work on” and “Resources” sections to see some of these.
Local networks and training for people with an interest and/or expertise in particular issues
One-on-one work with individuals, churches or local groupings of churches (see “What we offer” for more details)
We operate as an informal collective:
All of our services (except for some hard-copy publications) are offered free of charge – and we’re always delighted to be in touch, whether about specific issues or for a general conversation about our, or your, work.
Different staff members take the lead on specific topics: Maranda works on climate change, ethical investment, Fair Trade, and trade; Joanna works on refugees and migration. We also have colleagues who specialise in a variety of other areas, so if you have a question that doesn’t relate to one of the topics mentioned, don’t hesitate to get in touch.