22 Jan 2025 – Welcome Plus Hotels and Houses Welcomer Training
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
“If your church is proactive in welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees in your local area, then this training is for you!
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
“If your church is proactive in welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees in your local area, then this training is for you!
Come and find out more about what a good welcome looks like, and how to develop your cross-cultural awareness and trauma awareness skills.
We will also train you in safeguarding and data protection, plus a range of other issues to consider when supporting refugees in hotels, dispersal or rental accommodation.
This training costs £25 per person, or 5 people for £100.”
A project of Welcome Churches
For more information or to register, go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/welcome-plus-hotels-and-houses-welcomer-training-tickets-1040639038377
7:00 to 9:15 pm
“If you are the lead person responsible for welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees in your church, then this training is for you!
This Coordinator Training will inform and equip one or two key people in a Welcome Plus church that is proactively welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees. It will help them to consider a range of issues they might face, and how to build and develop a team of volunteers.
This training costs £75 per person, or 2 people trained at the same time for £100. There is a limit of two trained coordinators per Welcome Plus church.”
For more information: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/welcome-plus-coordinator-training-tickets-1040649098467
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
“If your church is proactive in welcoming people seeking asylum and refugees in your local area, then this training is for you!
Come and find out more about what a good welcome looks like, and how to develop your cross-cultural awareness and trauma awareness skills.
We will also train you in safeguarding and data protection, plus a range of other issues to consider when supporting refugees in hotels, dispersal or rental accommodation.
This training costs £25 per person, or 5 people for £100.”
A project of Welcome Churches
For more information or to register, go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/welcome-plus-hotels-and-houses-welcomer-training-tickets-1040639038377
13:00 to 16:00
Holy Trinity Church, Upper King St, Leicester
“Churches across the Midlands are increasingly aware of the needs of refugees and people seeking asylum who are following Jesus, as well as the valuable contribution that they bring to every area of church life.
The challenges faced on their journeys to the UK continue as they build new lives here: facing social isolation, grappling with a new cultural context, and even experiencing difficulties in becoming fully integrated into church communities. As the church, we play a vital role in carving out a highway to integration, in providing a warm welcome, and in offering practical support, community, and genuine friendship.
Many people with lived experience of seeking sanctuary also carry inspiring stories of faith and courage which can strengthen and challenge the church as we gather together. Refugees are truly playing a growing role in reviving established church communities across the Midlands.
This one-day regional connect event will bring together Christians from all backgrounds who are followers of Jesus. Join with us to worship, to listen and learn about the thrills and complexities of welcoming and strengthening people seeking refuge, and to connect with other churches and organisations to the glory and splendour of God.”
Cost: £0 to £10
Information and registration: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/midlands-churches-connect-empowered-people-tickets-1074359922449
Updated as of the afternoon of 10 July 2023
The ‘Illegal Migration Bill’, which UNHCR has said would, if passed as introduced, “amount to an asylum ban” continues its journey through Parliament. It will have its Third Reading in the House of Lords on 10 July, and is expected to be considered in the House of Commons on Tuesday, the 11th of July.
While the ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ remains deeply problematic, the House of Lords made a number of very helpful amendments. The revised Bill can be found here and our list of the amendments is here.
Anyone with an interest in protecting asylum and the rights of asylum seekers should email or ring their MP in advance of their consideration of the amended Bill. If you don’t already have your MP’s contact details, you can find out how to contact them via the They Work for You website.
If the House of Commons rejects the amendments and sends the Bill back to the House of Lords, you will wish to contact your MP when it subsequently returns to the House of Commons again, too! Email us to be included on the list for updates.
We would advocate asking your MP to accept ALL of the House of Lords amendments.
It has now been suggested that the government is likely to give concessions on a few key issues, including detention of children and pregnant women and the retrospective nature of the Bill. These are all important issues and we would hope, at the very least, to see progress in these areas.
But it is important to remember that all refugees are vulnerable – and that the Bill as a whole has been described, by UNHCR, as “an asylum ban— extinguishing the right to see protection in the United Kingdom for those who arrive irregularly, no matter how compelling their claim may be.”
It is therefore important to press not only on a few issues above but on the whole Bill. We have advice on how to do this below.
Time is of the essence. If you have time, please write or call your MP today.
Use your own words as much as possible: MPs will respond to what is genuinely from you more than they will to a form message.
Please note that you don’t need to write or leave a complex message: just saying something along the lines of “I want to support vulnerable people who are in need of protection and to maintain the UK’s international standing – and I would, therefore, ask you to support all the House of Lords amendments to the ‘Illegal Migration Bill'” gets the point across.
If you have a Conservative MP, you might want to try messaging such as:
I am concerned that the Government’s ‘Illegal Migration Bill’ is neither effective nor compassionate.
I remain concerned about the entirety of the Bill and its approach. That said, the Lords Amendments would help to alleviate or remove some of the key issues with this Bill, and I urge you to vote to accept them all.
To customise your letter further, take a look at the material below.
Further Resources
The amendments are asking MPs to do four things:
In our March newsletter we shared links to background information on the Bill and suggestions for prayer and action. Further helpful analysis can be found in the joint Second Reading Briefing by leading refugee charities including Safe Passage and Freedom from Torture, and more detailed legislative scrutiny as national experts answer questions from the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights (video recording).
Many religious and secular groups have written in opposition to the Bill over the past months, including 1450 church leaders saying it is “incompatible with our Christian conviction that all human beings are made in the image of God” and will “foster discrimination and distrust” and cause “immeasurable harm”.
In addition, during the House of Lords debate, many Christian leaders, both ordained and lay, have made interventions.
How can I make a difference?
Once the Bill has gone through the House of Lords, it will come back to the House of Commons. In preparation for this, we would encourage everyone who can to get in touch with their MP: given the potential impacts of the Bill, it really is worth making your voice heard.
MPs listen most fully to people who request a meeting with them. They also respond when people write them a letter which is clearly their own and not a form letter.
On this page, we offer updated resources to help you speak or write with confidence:
We can also offer additional support and training, including a checklist of things to do in preparation for a meeting with your MP. Email us for details.
If you don’t have time to meet or write to your MP, please do sign a petition, such as the Refugee Council’s campaign for a fair and humane asylum system.
Please click the link below for CCOW’s briefing on the Nationality and Borders Bill, including suggestions for prayer and action.
CCOW is pleased to be part of the Together With Refugees coalition. Please click the link below for the “Show your heart” leaflet which was distributed at our event in Oxford on 20th October 2021. It gives suggestions for prayer and action for refugees, people who are welcoming them in the UK, and Government policy that is more effective, fair and humane.
Please click the link below for the PowerPoint slides used at our Time of Prayer for Refugees and Those Walking Alongside on 26th April 2021. They give prayer pointers and suggestions for action, including responding to the government’s consultation by 5th May 2021.
April 2021 Time of Prayer for Refugees – New Plan for Immigration
Refugees, here in the UK and around the world, need our support more than ever during the coronavirus pandemic.
People who have fled their homes are often living in crowded camps or rough settlements, unable to self-isolate, practise social distancing or wash hands regularly. The majority are displaced within their own countries or in neigbouring countries, many of which have healthcare systems unable to cope with COVID-19, through the effects of war or longterm economic weakness. With borders closed many are trapped, such as on the Greek islands, unable to continue their journey.
Those who are now in the UK often find themselves isolated, as their social networks are still limited and refugee charities have been forced to scale back their services. Access to appropriate housing, healthcare and vital supplies and services is now a problem for many, particularly for asylum seekers and others with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF). Many people, including the Mayor of London and migrants’ rights charities are calling for a suspension of NRPF, and the Home Office is rethinking this policy but the Home Secretary’s current position is that since people with NRPF are eligible for some of the government’s Covid-19 support measures and some individuals can apply to have their NRPF restriction lifted,this is sufficient. Refugee Charities are also calling on the government to increase asylum support payments in line with the increase in Universal Credit which was made in response to the pandemic. With regards to healthcare, whilst treatment for COVID-19 has been made free to everyone, treatment for underlying health conditions would still need to be paid for by some people, deterring them from seeking medical care. So Doctors of the World, the BMA and refugee charities are calling on the government to suspend NHS charging regulations.
What can we do?
for measures to help protect refugees from COVID-19 to be implemented
for those in the asylum process whose immigration interviews have been suspended at this time and those for whom the process of family reunion has stalled
for those in need of a safe place to live – give thanks that those in UK asylum accommodation have been permitted to stay there for the next 3 months, that all those on the streets are to be housed by local authorities and that many have been released from immigration detention centres. Pray for all who are still in shared accommodation.
for those with No Recourse to Public Funds and those prevented from accessing healthcare due to NHS Charging Regulations
for refugees who are qualified health workers but have not yet completed the process of registration in the UK – give thanks that they can now work in the NHS as Medical Support Workers, but pray they may soon get registration so they can use their full skills at this time of urgent medical need.
…and act
support refugee charities and community groups adapting to support people remotely, but facing financial difficulties due to a loss of fundraising income – see details of some local groups’ work and how you can help in “In response to Covid-19”
reach out to refugees living near you – ideas and resources from Welcome Churches (in several languages) to show you care about them
sign the letter calling for suspension of NHS charging regulations
sign Refugee Action’s petition to increase asylum support payments by £20.