21 Jan 2025: ‘Post-COP29 Debrief: Reflections on a divisive deal’

12:30 pm
Oxford Martin School
34 Broad Street OX1 3BD

or online

“COP29 concluded with a last-minute deal decried as inadequate by developing nations.

From finance to carbon markets to youth demands, was any progress made in pushing forward international climate action at COP29? Or was it all “too little too late”?

In this panel discussion, members of Oxford University’s COP29 delegation will share their perspectives on the summit and what the outcome means for the future of global action on climate change.

This talk is in conjunction with Oxford Climate Research Network.”

To attend in-person: www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/events/cop29debrief
To watch live on Crowdcast, please register at: www.crowdcast.io/c/cop29debrief

22 Jan 2025 – Net Zero from a Planetary Perspective

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

Speakers: Professor Myles Allen and Alexis McGivern

“Starting in January 2025, Oxford Net Zero, the ZERO Institute and OxEARTH will jointly host an online seminar series entitled “The Reality of Net Zero”. Academics from the three institutions will give talks on why we need net zero, what progress we have made (and not made), and what it will take to get there in a sustainable, durable and equitable way. Each seminar will have time for audience questions.

The series will run for eight weeks and will cover the architecture of net zero – science, international law, governance and energy systems. Interwoven with these will be solutions from different disciplines, including carbon dioxide removal, batteries and nature-based solutions.”

For information and to register, go to https://netzeroclimate.org/events/seminar-series-the-reality-of-net-zero/