Communicating the Fair Trade Message
Sharing Stories
It’s so important to share the theology and stories behind Fair Trade.
People need to know why we do what we do – so it can be helpful to put an article in a church publication that explains the relationship between Fair Trade and the Christian lifestyle or explains the connections between Fair Trade and issues of climate justice. The preaching and study resources can help with ideas.
Stories are also hugely important. Some might be stories of producers in different countries – talking about the reasons why they need Fair Trade in the first place, and the difference that it’s making to them and to their communities. You can find such stories in the films in our film guide – or on the Fairtrade Foundation website in the ‘Farmers and Workers’ section.
It’s also important to share the stories of people here. Local Fair Traders might write a piece on why they began to get involved with Fair Trade. And don’t forget to remind people that we’re all part of the story. Our small switches to Fairtrade products, for example, are what made Fairtrade go from a tiny hope to a £1 billion+ powerhouse that’s helping to assist more than 1.9 million farmers and workers in certified organisations around the world.
Email us for timely stories that you can use in your church newsletters or magazines.
Showing the Signs
Don’t be shy about showing that you support Fair Trade!
Could you put notice that you’re a Fairtrade Church on your website or church notice board? It’s attractive to outsiders, showing that you care about the world beyond your walls. If your church is listed on the ‘Church near you’ site, you can tick the ‘Fairtrade Church’ box to add a small Fairtrade sign to your entry.
Could you display posters or photographs? These might be the kind that you can order from the Fairtrade Foundation or Traidcraft. Or you might make your own. Some churches with kitchens, for example, will put up a simple poster stating that they’re a Fairtrade Church and asking those who hire the kitchen to use Fairtrade products whenever possible. One of our all-time favourite ways of getting the message across came from a church that had a plate painted with a message saying it only accepted Fairtrade biscuits!