Services with a focus on praise and thanksgiving
- The Church of England Environment Programme has a lovely Songs of Praise service as well as services of the word for rural and urban contexts and a Celebration of Animals
- The Diocese of Guildford’s ‘Let all things their Creator bless’ contains a full liturgy – with numerous variants – based on Common Worship material.
- There’s a lot of excellent material in the 2019 Season of Creation service, which focused on the diversity of creation as a blessing.
- Liturgy for Climate Action (Praise, Repentance, Committal) – Young Evangelicals for Climate Action
Prayers with a focus on praise and thanksgiving
Collections of Prayers – online
- Material in the ‘Call to worship’, ‘Praise and Thanksgiving’ and other sections of CTBI’s collection of ‘Additional Resources for Creation Time‘ – a useful resource, gathering materials from a wide range of organisations, church traditions, etc.
- The Diocese of Leeds has a superb collection of ‘Creation Care Prayers’, divided into sections including ‘Praise’ and ‘Collects’
- Calls to worship from Greening the Lectionary
- ‘Beauty and Hope’ – prayers and reflections from Nick Fawcett
- Liturgical Resources from around the World for Climate Sunday, a wide-ranging collection from USPG
Collections of Prayers – Offline
- A Heart for Creation, ed Chris Polhill (Wild Goose, 2010). A collection of prayers and reflections on the environment.
- A Time for Creation, ed Robert Atwell, Christopher Irvine, Sue Moore (Church House Publishing, 2020) A wide variety of material, some from the Church of England’s main prayer book (Common Worship) and some newly commissioned.
- Creation sings your praise: A Christian Aid worship book, ed. Annabel Shilson-Thomas (Canterbury Press, 2010) A collection of prayers and services for every time of the year.
- Anne and Jeffery Rowthorn, God’s Good Earth: Praise and Prayer for Creation (Liturgical Press, 2018) 52 liturgies – rich in selections of scripture, prayers and hymns, alongside reflections drawn from a range of Christian and other sources.
Individual Prayers
- Pope Francis’ ‘A Christian Prayer in Union with Creation‘ (via CAFOD). See also the CCOW powerpoint.
- St Francis of Assisi, ‘Canticle of the Sun’ (CAFOD text; CCOW powerpoint)
- Collect for ‘Integrity of Creation’ from Bosco Peters’
- ‘For the love of’ prayer from CAFOD, celebrating ‘the things we love in creation’
- World Oceans Day prayer from Catholic Climate Covenant