Materials for the Real Easter Egg
Sample Bulletin Announcement
An Easter egg that is really good news!
The Real Easter Egg is a great way to share good news with people close to home and far away. Each egg comes with a copy of the Easter story, telling the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection. And because the chocolate egg is Fairtrade, cocoa farmers benefit, too, receiving the Fairtrade minimum price for their cocoa, and a premium that helps them improve life for their families and communities.
Large eggs come in milk and dark chocolate, and there are also fun packs – egg cartons with six, smaller eggs. Prices are [X] for milk chocolate eggs, [Y] for fun packs, and [Z] for dark chocolate eggs. To order, contact [A]. The eggs contain no palm oil, and the packaging is plastic free.
NB: We have left out the prices, as these will vary depending on whether eggs are purchased singly or in cases, and on whether the orders are large enough to qualify for free delivery. For a church that purchases in cases and in sufficient quantity to qualify for free delivery, prices would be:
£4.50 for milk chocolate eggs, £5.00 for fun packs, £5.50 for dark chocolate eggs
There is also a sharing box of 30 eggs for £30 – great for Easter egg hunts and/or handing out at services!
A Prayer to use with the eggs
Heavenly Father,
We thank you that through Jesus’ resurrection
We are given the hope of new life.
We pray that the story told through these eggs
Will be a source of life for all who receive them.
We pray for the farmers
Who produced the cocoa and sugar for these eggs,
Thanking you that through Fairtrade
They are able to benefit from the fruits of their labours.
And we pray for the coming of your Kingdom
Here and throughout the world,
In Jesus’ name.