Helping Syrian Refugees
Introductory Resources
UK Government – Syria Refugees: What you can do to help
Introductory UK government information for people wanting to help Syrian refugees (Nov 2015). Covers a wide range of opportunities and contains links to other organisations
Refugees Welcome
National campaign by Citizens UK networking and giving advice, support and training for local groups welcoming refugees. Offers statistics, guidance in formulating a refugee welcome plan, campaigns materials, stories, access to training, links to local and national groups, etc. You might want to take a look at the Welcoming Syrian Refugees: An Introductory Guide booklet Citizens UK produced with the Rural Refugee Network and others.
Resources on Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme and Community Sponsorship
Local Government Association
Guide (Spring 2016) “for all those in local authorities who have a role in leading, planning, delivering and continually seeking to improve services for resettled Syrian refugees” Helpful information to give background on local authority options and to offer to local authorities new to the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme.
Reading Borough Council
Report (16.01.17) on Reading’s participation in the Syrian Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement (SVPR) Programme: useful as it gives details of the programme, including budgets, partners and their contributions, etc.
UK Government – Community Sponsorship Overview
Community Sponsorship Scheme for refugees in the UK, launched July 2016 – includes link to application form & guidance for full community sponsor and resettlement plan template
UK Government – Community Sponsorship Guidance
Government publication (July 2016) “Full Community Sponsorship – Guidance for prospective sponsors” for community groups wanting to apply to welcome & support resettled refugee families
Sponsor Refugees
Citizens UK Foundation for Community Sponsorship of Refugees offers support and training for faith and community groups considering or going through the process of becoming a community sponsor. Their website has information on this support, as well as stories of what groups involved are doing.
Caritas Salford, the first organisation to welcome a Syrian family to the UK under the Community Sponsorship scheme, has produced a guide to help those considering Community Sponsorship think through the process and develop a sound plan.
Image: ‘Refugee milestone‘, Scottish Government, used under Creative Commons License