Resources for Churches

We love helping churches to find resources for prayer, study, and action. Take a look at our resources section and the ‘What we work on’ pages to see what we already offer, including:

      • Prayer PowerPoints
      • Written prayers
      • Reports
      • A calendar of events (our own and others)
      • Emails with tips for prayer and action

Didn’t find what you were looking for? If you’d like something different for a particular occasion, get in touch. We can work with particular churches or groups to put together materials that fit their needs.

Just for You

Want to think through how you or your church might engage with a particular issue?

Have a query about which organisations are working in an area you care about?

Thinking about how your specific gifts might best be used to help in a global context?

Want to know the answer to a specific question about an issue?

Get in touch! We’re happy to try to help you. We act as an ‘honest broker,’ offering information drawn from a wide variety of sources so that you can find what you need.

Help with Events

We have wide experience in putting on events that engage from small roundtables to evening talks to day conferences and large-scale events.

We’ve put on Fair Trade, trade and climate-related events of our own, worked with churches on a variety of events, and been on the planning groups for the Ecumenical World Development Conference and major services related to climate lobbies and campaigns.

We love working with churches and groups of churches that have an idea for an event but would like help finding speakers or thinking about how to structure their plans. We’ll work with you to think through a programme, suggest (and if you like, contact) a range of possible speakers, help find worship materials, etc.

If you’re interested, get in touch!