The story of creation and redemption has inspired Christians throughout the ages to sing God’s praises. Here we list hymns of wonder, praise and thanksgiving inspired by creation. Some of them may be familiar – many may not be. We pray that they will help you in your worship of God.
* indicates out of copyright, ** indicates CCOW powerpoint version, (C) indicates especially useful for children. Hymns particularly appropriate for special times in the church year have that noted.
Links are to Hymnary where words are available on the site, and to videos where they are not.
Traditional hymns…
- All creatures of our God and King (W H Draper based on St Francis of Assisi)**
- All things bright and beautiful (Cecil Frances Alexander)*
- Creating God, your fingers trace (Jeffery Rowthorn)
- For the beauty of the earth (F S Pierpoint)**
- For the fruits of all creation, thanks be to God (Fred Pratt Green) – Harvest
- God who spoke in the beginning (Fred Kaan)
- How great thou art (Carl Gustav Boberg; Translator: Stuart K. Hine)*
- Immortal, invisible God only wise (W Chalmers Smith)*
- I sing the almighty power of God (Isaac Watts)*
- Let all things now living (Katherine Davis)
- Let us with a gladsome mind (John Milton)* and Praise, o praise, our God and King (Herbert Baker from John Milton)*
- Joyful, joyful we adore thee (Henry van Dyke)*
- Morning has broken (Eleanor Farjeon)
- O praise ye the Lord, praise Him in the height [also known as “Sing praise to the Lord”] (H W Baker )
- O worship the King all glorious above (Robert Grant)*
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation! (Joachim Neander tr D Catherine Winkworth)*
- Saint Patrick’s Breastplate [‘I bind unto myself today’] tr Cecil Frances Alexander*
- The Spacious Firmament on High (Joseph Addison)*
- Thou, whose almighty word (John Marriott)*
- To God who makes all lovely things (J M C Crum)
- To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (W Chatterton Dix)* – Harvest
- We plough the fields and scatter (Matthias Claudius, tr Jane Campbell)* – Harvest
- When morning gilds the skies (tr Edward Caswall)*
From new sources
Mostly in copyright – check licensing where necessary.
Resound Worship has put out a series of new songs – Doxecology (one is linked to the right). They focus on different aspects of creation care – and are free to use for churches during lockdown.
They join a wide range of new music from different traditions. We’ve got a sampling below (links are primarily to videos, as words are within copyright)
- Before all things began (Brian Wren)
- Creation sings and we are in the music (Shirley Erena Murray)
- Creation sings! Each plant and tree (Martin E Leckebusch)
- Earth-maker, source of the world and our wisdom (Andrew Pratt)
- Fill your hearts with joy and gladness (Timothy Dudley-Smith)
- For the music of creation (Shirley Erena Murray)
- If I were a butterfly (Brian M Howard) (C)
- Jesus is Lord, creation’s voice proclaims it (David Mansell) (text)
- O beauty ever ancient, o beauty ever new (Shirley Erena Murray)
- Sing for God’s glory that colours the dawn of creation (Kathy Galloway)
- Think of a world without any flowers (Doreen E Newport) (C)
- This is my Father’s world (Babcock)
- When God made the garden of creation (Paul Booth) (C)
- Who put the colours in the rainbow (Daniel Shiells) (C)
- All you works of God (Marty Haugen)
- Sing out, earth and skies (Marty Haugen)
- Sing to the mountains, sing to the sea (video) (Robert J Dufford)
Contemporary Worship Songs
- Creation sings the Father’s song (Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend)
- Gloria (Matt Redman)
- God of wonders (Marc Byrd, Steve Hindalong)
- Jesus is Lord, the cry that echoes through creation (Stuart Townend)
- So will I (100 billion X) (Joel Houston, Benjamin Hastings & Michael Fatkin – Hillsong Music)
- You’re the Word of God the Father/All the Lands (Stuart Townend)
Jubilate Hymns appear in some hymnals, but the words can also be found on the Jubilate website. They include many new hymns set to familiar tunes – and some completely new words and tunes. You might want to look at their ‘Creation and Harvest’ collection, which includes many of the below … and more:
- A glory shines in every tree and flower (Derek Baldwin)
- All Creating, Heavenly Giver (Michael Saward)
- Creation’s Vast Treasure (Martin E Leckebusch) – Christmas
- Creator God, the world around (Brian Hoare)
- Exult, creation, round God’s throne – (Christopher Idle) Easter
- For distant clouds that drift across the sky (Martin E Leckebusch)
- God in each season (Donald Wetherick)
- God who created light (Michael Saward)
- I lift my eyes to the quiet hills (Timothy Dudley-Smith)
- Let us sing to the Lord, our Creator (Irene Jarvis) (C)
- Praise God for harvest time (Paul Wigmore) – Harvest
- Praise the Lord for his creation (Jennifer Wakely)
- Sing of the God who spoke (Martin E Leckebusch)
- Sing to God new songs of worship (Michael Baughen)
- Stars and planets sing your glory (Trevor Thorn)
- The earth is yours, O God (Michael Saward)
- The Lord is king – he set the stars in space (Brian Hoare)
- The works of the Lord are created in wisdom (Christopher Idle)
- Whose hand could shape such a world as this? (Martin E Leckebusch)
- A Rocha has also published online a Jubilate hymn which is free to use for noncommercial purposes: God, creation comes from you (Michael Baughen & Noël Tredinnick)
Green Christian has a list with links to the words of new hymns, which are often set to familiar tunes. These include:
- Pat Bennett’s “Creator God, abundant life your mark”
- Denzil Walton’s “The Glory of Creation”
- The Cranshaws’ “What the Lord creates” (C)
- Mary Whitfield’s “God’s Goodness”
- Alison Blenkinsop’s “Green guardians” (C)
- Win Walters’ “O Lord we know that you made everything”
The Revd David Coleman, Eco-Congregation Scotland’s Environmental Chaplain, has prepared a collection of 100 hymns, set to well-known hymn tunes.
Revd Carolyn Winfrey Gillette is an independent hymn writer. You need to get her permission to use her hymns – but she’s very quick to respond, so a little planning means you can use something beautiful. Take a look at her website for a bountiful selection, including hymns for special occasions (harvest, animal blessings, and hymns linked to particular lectionary readings).
New in 2024
Three new hymns from a competition sponsored by the Fred Pratt Green Trust. Colin Thompson’s ‘Creation’s Glory Shines’ is one many congregations may find particularly helpful.
Hymn Powerpoints
Featured Hymns
From Doxecology – Nature Shines
This is my Father’s world
Traditional Choir: All Creatures of Our God and King
Folk: Sing Out, Earth and Skies
Modern Worship Songs: Creation sings the Father’s song
Jubilate Hymns: For Distant Clouds