Prayers of Lament, Confession & Conversion

From single prayers to full services

Prayers with a focus on lament, confession and conversion

Collections of Prayers – online

  • Material in the ‘Confession’, ‘Commitments’ and other sections of CTBI’s collection of ‘Additional Resources for Creation Time‘ – a useful resource, gathering materials from a wide range of organisations, church traditions, etc.
  • The (C of E) Diocese of Guildford’s collection of liturgical materials has a gathering of confessions, collects, and prayers of dismissal that call for action
  • The (C of E) Diocese of Leeds has a superb collection of ‘Creation Care Prayers’, divided into sections including ‘Laments’ and ‘Confessions’
  • Section on ‘Lament and Confession’ from Greening the Lectionary

Collections of Prayers  – Offline

  • A Heart for Creation, ed Chris Polhill (Wild Goose, 2010). A collection of prayers and reflections on the environment.
  • A Time for Creation, ed Robert Atwell, Christopher Irvine, Sue Moore (Church House Publishing, 2020) A wide variety of material, some from the Church of England’s main prayer book (Common Worship) and some newly commissioned.
  • Creation sings your praise: A Christian Aid worship book, ed. Annabel Shilson-Thomas (Canterbury Press, 2010) A collection of prayers and services for every time of the year.
  • Mary Low’s Cherish the Earth (Wild Goose, 2003) contains some non-Christian material, but also a wealth of Christian texts from around the world
  • Anne and Jeffery Rowthorn, God’s Good Earth: Praise and Prayer for Creation (Liturgical Press, 2018) 52 liturgies – rich in selections of scripture, prayers and hymns, alongside reflections drawn from a range of Christian and other sources.

Individual Prayers

Services with a focus on lament, confession and conversion

Ecological Stations of the Cross – from the Franciscan Action Network

‘Prayer of Lament’ – a short service from the Anglican Communion Environmental Network and the Anglican Alliance

General Creation Care Services (cover a variety of themes)

“And it was good” Earth Day Celebration from Samford University’s Center for Worship and the Arts

A prayer vigil from the Church of England.

World Day of Prayer for the Prayer of Creation – Guidelines from the Vatican for a short, meditative service

Prayer Powerpoints

Prayer Videos

Featured: From the Revd Jon Swales,
“A Lament for Climate”

Featured: From USPG,
‘The Lord’s prayer speaking to climate justice’