Information Sources: Refugees and Forced Migration
Where can you find …
Facts, figures and research relating to refugees
British Red Cross
Facts and figures about refugees and asylum seekers.
Definitions, links and resources by theme, including an excellent information pack on the journeys that refugees have been through that put pressure on their mental health.
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Offers a range of information from basic glossaries of terms to policy studies, news reports and migration data – well worth exploring.
Migration Observatory
Based at Oxford University’s Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), Migration Observatory provides reports and briefings on various migration-related topics.
Refugee Council
The Refugee Council is a national charity supporting and advocating for refugees. Here you can find policy briefings, statistics, facts, training and a glossary of terms & definitions.
Refugees Reporting
A project of the World Association for Christian Communication – Europe(WACC Europe) and the Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe (CCME), to assess media portrayal and representation of refugees in eight European countries, engage with media professionals to highlight good practices; and develop action plans to promote the rights of refugees to communicate on their own behalf. Some very interesting research.
Refugee Studies Centre
Part of the Oxford Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, it seeks “to build knowledge and understanding of the causes and effects of forced migration in order to help improve the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people” Website offers access to a range of research across several key areas of refugee studies.
The United Nations Refugee Agency offers a huge range of information – everything from a “Figures at a Glance” page to detailed studies of refugee situations in particular locations.
Focuses on defending the rights of children – includes work on children who are forced to migrate.
News relating to refugees
Most of the sites above have news sections – and the major serious newspapers have done some excellent detailed reporting. In addition, you might wish to look at:
This project, which provides resources for UK churches and individual Christians, offers occasional roundups of refugee news.
Medecins sans Frontieres/Doctors without Borders (MSF)
Has a wide range of material because of its work providing rescue, medical care, and sanitation for refugees around the world – often an important place for news about recent developments.