Church Statements on Migration, Refugees & Asylum
Anglican Communion (including Church of England)
Archbishop Justin Welby, Sermon “We cannot surround our love with barbed wire” (September 2020)
Archbishop Justin Welby, Statement on Child Refugees (February 2017)
Archbishop Albert Chama, Letter to UN Secretary General ahead of Global Summit on Refugees and Migrants (September 2016)
Archbishop Justin Welby, Statement on Launch of Full Community Sponsorship Scheme (July 2016)
Bishop Nick Baines, Compassion for refugees is not just a short-term fix (September 2015)
Baptist Union of Great Britain
(See also Joint Public Issues Team)
General Secretary Lyn Green, Statement on the refugee crisis (September 2015)
Catholic Church
Pope Francis, Messages for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (2014 – 2023)
CAFOD, Refugee crisis explained (June 2023)
Bishop Paul McAleenan, Address for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Statement on the Extension of the Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme (July 2017)
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland/Churches Refugee Network
Churches voice opposition to Illegal Migration Bill (April 2023)
Letter to the government from faith leaders (January 2019)
Women’s Delegation to Greece: Letter to CTBI Member Churches, Letter to the Churches in Greece (July 2016)
Conference of European Churches (CEC)/Churches’ Commission for Migrants in Europe
Joint statements (March 2023)
Christmas Statement (December 2018)
Lampedusa Ecumenical Statement (Autumn 2017)
Letter to the European Council on European responses to refugees and migrants (with other organisations, March 2016)
Joint Public Issues Team
Concerns with the New Plan for Immigration (April 2021)
Statement of church leaders on closure of Dubs Scheme for refugee children (March 2017)
Letter from church leaders to Theresa May requesting settlement of more refugees (March 2016)
A statement on the situation in Calais (August 2015)
Methodist Church
(see also Joint Public Issues Team)
Pastoral Letter on the migration and refugee situation in Europe (European Methodist Council – September 2015)
(see also Joint Public Issues Team)
QARN Leaflets on Detention, Language, Hostile environment, Removals and Deportation, and Excessive fees (2018 – 2020)
Quakers speak on plight of migrants (April 2015)