Praying in Times of Extreme Weather

Praying in Times of Extreme Weather is a  gathering of prayer points and links to online prayer material for use before, during or after an extreme weather event. It includes materials that can be used by those directly affected and/or by those praying for them. Download it here.

Praying the Lord’s Prayer for a Church

We put Praying the Lord’s Prayer for a Church together for our All Saints Day prayer email, when we asked people to choose a denomination that wasn’t their own and pray for it. You could use this sheet to pray for anything from a local church to a denomination to all Christians.

Praying in Times of Extreme Weather

Praying in Times of Extreme Weather is a  gathering of prayer points and links to online prayer material for use before, during or after an extreme weather event. It includes materials that can be used by those directly affected and/or by those praying for them.

The heading picture shows Hurricane Igor on 15 September 2010 and is a NOAA image.