14 – 15 May: Oxford Migration Studies Society conference

Event organised by Oxford Migration Studies Society
Jesus College, Turl Street Oxford OX1 3DW

“Oxford Migration Studies Society Presents: Transformation & Resilience.

Join us for the annual Oxford Migration Studies Society (OMSS) conference, featuring 30+ migration researchers from all over the world. With seven panels, a keynote speaker, and an art exhibition, we will explore the theme of Transformation & Resilience, discussing the impacts of climate change, colonialism, decolonisation, securitisation and other major transformations on migration. We will also explore migrant experiences, including strategies of resilience and adaptation.

The two-day conference will take place at the Ship Street Conference Centre at Jesus College, Oxford and attendees are welcome to join in person or online. Those who join in person will receive free lunch. If you have questions about accessibility requirements, please contact oxford.mss@gmail.com.

The cost of in-person attendance is £5 per day for Oxford University affiliates (anyone with an Oxford University email) and £10 per day for others. Panelists do not need to purchase tickets. If you are an Oxford student, you must purchase your ticket using your Oxford University email address and use the promo code “OXFORD2024″ to get the discount.

We will announce the panelists on our social media (@oxmigrationsociety on Instagram and @OxfordMSS on Twitter) in the coming days. We look forward to seeing you in the spring!”

Information and registration